Dear Reader,
It is with a special joy that we bring you this issue of Frodo's Notebook. Despite the fact that Frodo's
Notebook is a quarterly publication, over the years, life has often gotten in the way of publication. So,
over our seven year run, we have not always managed to bring you four issues a year. I am very happy that in
2005 we have been able to bring you all four promised issues.
You may notice that this quarter's issue is a little bit light on content. We have only four poems, one story, and one essay (wirtten by yours truly). We would love to have more writing to bring you each quarter, but in order to do that, we need your help. Our submission volume has dropped off recently. With fewer submissions, we have fewer pieces of great writing to give you each quarter. It is up to you, Dear Reader, to alleviate this dearth of submissions. If you are reading this, chances are you know how special Frodo's Notebook is. If you have been published in our pages, you know how good it feels to be able to share your writing with the world. So, I encourage you to not only continue submitting your work, but to talk to your friends about us.
I tell everyone I know about Frodo's Notebook and what we do here. I tell them so that they can come and read your great writing, and I tell them so that they will tell others to send in great writing. Frodo's Notebook is unique. There is no other publication, in print or online, quite like it. the other members of the staff and I love what we do here, and if you are reading this, I trust you enjoy it too. Remeber, although you are not on the staff of Frodo's Notebook it is up to you to provide the content. The staff picks and chooses and puts things together, but Frodo's Notebook is great because the writing we receive from our readers is great. So please, help us to continue to be great. Keep sending in your writing and tell your friends, family, and teachers about us. Because the more people who submit pieces, the better Frodo's Notebook will be. Thank you for reading and submitting.
Timothy Rezendes
Managing Editor
Frodo's Notebook